Razer Cortex FPS Chart | Razer Insider
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Razer Cortex FPS Chart, help desired in understanding what the chart tells me that I need to fix in my brand new RGB PC I build and setup. The Razer Cortex FPS Charts look like a comb. Sometimes worse than others. Just got kicked off the game I am playing because of it. Many times the game and its server connections continue without skipping a beat even though the Razer Cortex FPS Chart clearly shows the signal drop to zero and immediately rebounds. Razer Cortex does not always get a chance to record the chart due to the game having crashed or hung up because of the dropouts in the ethernet Line Signal from my ISP to the wall coxal inlet and my new PC.

I have never seen this happen before the new PC build. Though now it continuously does so. I am a 65 yr old Electrical Engineer, with a lot of experience in many things internet, software and PC. I just brought online a new AMD PC Build I made. All new parts including the Motherboard. Gorgeous PC 18 RGB fans make quite the light show. I called the ISP for tech support. The man they sent checked out the line and the usual coaxial cable connectors were blamed and replaced. Then, he added a new stretch of coaxial cable from my wall coax to the cable modem. The FPS Chart looked great after that until the man left and it of course it started happening all over again. GGGrrrrr angry gamer beware!! I have since moved all of the all of the ethernet signal path away from any other cables/power as much as possible to the Arris Surfboard Cable Modem and then the Neatgear Knighthawk XR500 Router both of which have worked fine for a long time before I built this PC..

I hope that this info will help me understand how to fix this. I do not know what else to do.

I attached a few images of the signal and the PC

All help appreciated!

Thank you,


Moved a few things around and attached the coax and ethernet to the wall with a tie wrap stand. Yet, after I came in to check on my game, it was in a crashed having lost yet another another attempt to fix this issue. The signal recorded by Cortex looks better, but yet not as good as before the new PC.Image attached.

Ack, this time it was for an early server maintenance shutdown. Maybe it will look better the next chance I get to check it out.

Still not looking right. Any ideas as to what is causing this?

Hey there!

Thank you very much for sharing the process and providing us so much information. We appreciate that you spent so much time looking into this issue.

As you indicated, the FPS chart can be impacted by a lot of things, the game, the internet, the rig, etc. Here could you please try another game and see whether the FPS chart works fine?

This is not an FPS issue. The comb-like looking signal shown on the FPS chart is the problem not the FPS number itself. The FPS number has been between 37 and 250 FPS. The GPU is a high end RX6800 and has been providing the high FPS readings. Although the chart is always around 60 as seen in the previously supplied images. The signal loss crashing my game is the issue. Although, I have gone several days with now with no crash, lock-ups, and the FPS chart still looking like a comb.

What are the possible sources causing the line signal to look like a comb?

What else can I do to make it better?

I have already moved all of the related cables away from other cables as much as possible. I even tied the ethernet cable on a tie wrap stand on the wall away from everything. The latest chart is supplied as an attachment.

Help much appreciated!


The ISP technician said either my modem or my router was bad. I bought a new combo router/modem to reduce the mass of wires and cables connected to my PC and since I did not know which was bad I bought a Netgear AX6 combo modem and router effectively replacing both of them at once. I let my game run for several hours and later, when I came back to check in on it, the game was in a disconnected state. So, $329 down the drain as the problem remains. Latest FPS chart attached. Now what do I do?
