Razer ghosted ticket about damaged gold PIN | Razer Insider
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I bought a Razer Gold Card on July 16th 2024 and after I carefully scratched the PIN there was only 10 digits.


I submitted a ticket on the same day and received a reply on July 23rd asking for proof of purchase. I replied with proof of purchase on the same day 3 hours after Razer Support replied.


Next reply I received was on July 25th stating:

"I currently have brought this case to our expert team's attention. Rest assured that they will look into this and will resolve it within 2-3 working days. They will keep you informed via email."


Since then I have never received a reply back. On July 31st, I updated the ticket asking for an update.


Still nothing. On August 7th, I updated the ticket again asking why still no update.


As of now August 9th, I have not received any reply from Razer and I'm not sure if I will ever hence why I'm writing this to get some attentions. I have been using Razer products and just started using their Razer Gold but this situation occured and honestly disappointed in a brand that I have always been using for the past 7 years.


I know me yapping about all this isn't going to do anything since I'm just one of their millions customer. Just super frustrated and disappointed.

Hi Phanuphanu,

I’m here to help. I was able to pull up your ticket number and call our Razer Gold Team attention to your case. Do let me know if you do not hear from them by then. Should you have any other concerns, do not hesitate to PM me. Stay safe, and have a good one!

*Thread locked to curb conversation to PM.