Razer Hammerhead Hyperspeed for XBOX series X connectivity | Razer Insider
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Razer Hammerhead Hyperspeed for XBOX series X connectivity

  • January 17, 2023
  • 9 replies

When trying to setup the device with the Razer app requested to download, whether it is the pc app, mobile app, or Xbox series X app it will not show as a device and will not connect. Is there a workaround?

Now it will work when connecting the Hyperspeed to the Xbox . Software based will not, they work as expected but does not work with any Razer software.

Any information would be helpful.
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9 Replies

Came here looking for this info, the xbox razer audio app goes no further than the first screen telling you to connect. Neither option is selectable, my new Hammerhead Hyperspeed (Xb ver) are not shown, and i am connected to Xb because audio works, but you can’t get to the EQ, etc settings.
The same goes for the iPhone Razer Audio app, the headset connects, but the app never finds anything so i can’t access audio settings there either.

Came here looking for this info, the xbox razer audio app goes no further than the first screen telling you to connect. Neither option is selectable, my new Hammerhead Hyperspeed (Xb ver) are not shown, and i am connected to Xb because audio works, but you can’t get to the EQ, etc settings.
The same goes for the iPhone Razer Audio app, the headset connects, but the app never finds anything so i can’t access audio settings there either.

Glad I am not alone on this. Just an additional question for you. Does your wireless charging case charge wirelessly as pictured?

Mine does not.

  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2023
I actually did a chat on this today with support and this is how it ended

I don't think it needs to be replaced - I think an update to the Razer Audio App needs to take place to support the Hammerhead Hyperspeed for XBox
as it says the Playstation version is supported but it doesn't list the XBox version
Razer Support
Yes, I apologize, this needs to be escalated to our senior tech team rather

So hopefully they are aware of it . . . .

I reached out to customer service and they escalated it as well for me. I hope they can do firmware updates on this. After about 20 min of use I started to get static and disconnects.

  • Insider Mini
  • 4 replies
  • January 31, 2023
I reached out to customer service and they escalated it as well for me. I hope they can do firmware updates on this. After about 20 min of use I started to get static and disconnects.

Same issue. Audio starts getting choppy and then stops completely. To restore functionality, I had to put the earbuds back into the case for a minute (or less?) and then have them reconnect. Then things work again for a bit before starting to act up.

Also seeing microphone sensitivity issues - people not able to hear me well (audio is faint). Anyone manage to resolve that part?

I know old thread but for people still experiencing audio lag out after about 30 mins of use on the dongle seems to not lag out and disconnect if i have my bluetooth off on paired devices while im playing 

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  • 10 replies
  • April 7, 2023

Has anyone ever gotten a answer on this. Just got my pair today and the mic problem is awful :(

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  • 2 replies
  • May 2, 2023

written with google translator!

my first pair was replaced, the new ones arrived a few days ago.

and again after 30-60min the parts start to stutter and the connection breaks off.
you can then tap the cell phone three times but not back to the xbox.

I have to put them in the box for a few minutes.

I'll almost try to switch off the mobile phone connection or to delete the connection completely. Maybe something will happen there.




mit google übersetzer geschrieben!

mein erstes paar wurde ersetzt, die neuen sind seit ein paar tagen da.

und wieder nach 30-60min fangen die teile an zu stottern und die vernindung bricht ab.
weiter lassen sie sich dann zwar mit 3mal tippen auf das handy legen aber nicht wieder zurück zur xbox.

dazu muss ich sie erst für paar minuten ins die box stecken.

werd fas mal probieren die handy verbindung aus zu schalten oder die kopplung ganz zu löschen  evtl. tut sich da was.

  • Insider Mini
  • 2 replies
  • May 3, 2023

Google Translator.

good news, i deleted the bluetooth pairing from my phone and lo and behold i was able to play on the xbox until the battery was empty.




google übersetzer.

eine gute nachricht, habe die bluetooth kopplung vom handy gelöscht und siehe da ich konnte so lange an der xbox spielen bis der akku leer war.

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