Razer Hyperflux mat peeling off | Razer Insider
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Razer Hyperflux mat peeling off

  • 9 October 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, I bought a Mamba / Hyperflux combo last year, and while it generally works well, the mat on the hyperflux tablet started peeling off very early on at the lower edge where my hand brushes over it when moving the mouse. It is rolling up and forming creases, so it will not take very long now until it needs either complete removal or replacement. It is now 14cm wide and arcs nearly 5cm into the area where the transparent plastic foil below starts peeling off. This is a bit disappointing for a device that expensive. Is there a way to fix that?

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1 Reply

Hi, I bought a Mamba / Hyperflux combo last year, and while it generally works well, the mat on the hyperflux tablet started peeling off very early on at the lower edge where my hand brushes over it when moving the mouse. It is rolling up and forming creases, so it will not take very long now until it needs either complete removal or replacement. It is now 14cm wide and arcs nearly 5cm into the area where the transparent plastic foil below starts peeling off. This is a bit disappointing for a device that expensive. Is there a way to fix that?

Have you contacted our Support Team regarding the mat's condition when you first encounter creasing/ripping of the mat's upper material? Please be aware that a mouse mat only has one year of Razer's limited warranty. You can submit a case to our Support Team via chat or email by clicking this link. However, there are no guarantees, and it needs to investigate and subject to approval. I’ll be locking this thread now. Feel free to send me a PM anytime or visit our self-help options should you have other questions or concerns.

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