Razer just lost a customer. | Razer Insider
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I purchased a 2021 Razer 15” Advanced in December of 2021. Laptop recently developed an issue where system intermittently would detect AC charger was plugged in.


After going back and forth with support for over 2 weeks documenting that this was not an AC charger issue (same behavior would happen with another charger plugged in), I was told there is nothing that Razer could do and was sent a link to purchase a new AC charger.


I then took the laptop to a computer repair shop and they were able to diagnose the issue to a motherboard trace.


Even if I wanted to attempt a repair, apparently Razer replacement parts are nowhere to be found and I would be looking at $800+labor.


Basically, I am stuck with a $2500 paperweight now.


I chose Razer due to its reputation as the closest thing you can get to MacBook Pro quality in the Windows world.


It is clear from reading similar posts on this board as well as on other sites like Reddit Razer has a quality issue on its hands. I personally know someone who is also dealing with this issue on another Razer laptop.


I will not be buying another Razer product and will actively be recommending people to stay away from them as well.

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