RAZER KIYO New Firmaware dropped my FPS | Razer Insider
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Hello, i'm a streamer and i use Streamlabs for diffuse my stream.

I have download a new firmware for my Razer Kiyo (01.01.023), but he is dropped my fps, i use my kiyo with 60 fps,

the fps stays at 30 even though it's set to 60 ...

You have a solution ?

this has happened since the update ...

It's possible to back to the old fimrware ? (01.01.022)

Thank you for your reply, and excuse my bad english, i'm french. 🙂
Hi @ISmokeShady. Are you referring to the in-game FPS or your Stream's FPS? There is no real way to roll back to an older firmware version at the moment but please send me a PM with the serial number of your Kiyo. I'll take it from there.