razer kiyo not working | Razer Insider
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my razer kiyo says "The current settings on your camera is different from Razer Synapse" and I can not use any of the camera settings, the kiyo works fine with other software. I have reset the device, reinstalled synapse 3, and more but it still says that, any way to fix it.


I did reach out to razer and they replied, they gave me some things to try, none worked, and asked for some info, waiting for the 2nd reply.

About 20 people on this forum have this problem
This pop up needs to be patched out. There is no reason for an update to break the functionality of a device less than a year old for me. If they cant figure out what they fucked up, synapse should be overriding the settings, not asking if its ok to do so.
Should i return the camera to seller or is this getting fixed?

I personally would return & get a Logitech camera. NEVER have I heard about or seen logitech ever break their device through a software update & then proceed to give customers zero solutions to fix the problem they created. I have been in this forum through out the week about this issue & about 3 updates in synapse later, zero fixes to this device breaking problem. The responses to fix I haven't seen a single person come back saying it was fixed.
Do Razer support read this forum? Because no one has answered us in a way of "Keep calm, dear costumers. We're going to fix this problem".
Same for me, reinstalled everything, still not working
My problem has been transmitted to the level 2 team, I am waiting for an email from them. In chat I was told that the software team is already aware of the problem but there are no updates for a fix at the moment.
I received the email from them, I explained the problem and the configurations of my computers. I'll keep you informed of the results
same issue no fix yet lol
The problem is that it's not just the software, otherwise it wouldn't work on any pc while on one of my other pc it works perfectly. There is an "incompatibility" on a lot of pc, what you need to know now is where this bug comes from.

My two pc are totally different, one is a pc that I built myself with a Ryzen 3, a b450m-a, a GTX 1660, W10 Pro and the other is a laptop from Lenovo the Ideapad 110-15ACL with an AMD A4 and W10 Home. The reason why on the Lenovo synapse is working properly is incomprehensible.

What you've just said is literally a software issue. It's not on us (the customer) to have our computers be compatible with their devices. And no, I do not need to know where this bug comes from. THEY DO. Other camera brands have no issues with their own software/drivers but the Kiyo has and it's unacceptable. In fact, this is the only product I'm having issues with the software and it's laughable that they could even release the darn thing as it's affecting a number of people already.
What you've just said is literally a software issue. It's not on us (the customer) to have our computers be compatible with their devices. And no, I do not need to know where this bug comes from. THEY DO. Other camera brands have no issues with their own software/drivers but the Kiyo has and it's unacceptable. In fact, this is the only product I'm having issues with the software and it's laughable that they could even release the darn thing as it's affecting a number of people already.

+1 I agree with you. They should give us a solution. Razer is not a bad company, but with this product .... They are having a lot of problems
I agree it's the software that's the problem. Okay you don't need to know why but to fix the problem, Razer needs a minimum of information. What I was saying by "The problem is that it's not just the software" is not the fact that synapse is not the cause but the fact that another element may be present. Why on some pc it works and why on some it stops working overnight. Maybe Windows, maybe Synapse is blocking itself xD. In any case, it's up to Razer to find a solution as quickly as possible.
Got same problem. Uninstalled Synapse, removed hidden drivers in Device Manager, fresh install and no change.Camera is not cheap. Razer need to step up....
this is definitely a wide spread problem, I started this forum 4 days ago and about 20 people have said they have the same problem.

Also razer has not replied to my second info yet after the took my info so maybe they are working on it now
I'm also having the same problem. Hoping for a fix soon. Very annoying 😞
Same thing happened to me. I just got the webcam for my birthday and the second I plugged it in I got this bug.
Same thing is happening to my synapse! I just bought the camera yesterday.. Everything's working good in obs etc but the broadcaster in synapse is stuck with the popup message.
Mine has been doing the same, but for a camera I've had for more than a year. It was working until a few days ago, then this. I'd think they would have rolled back the update or issued a fix by now.
I have also had it for almost a year, but some people just got it and had the problem so the must of had a software update that did this.
Razer, this problem is ridiculous. Roll back this bs update you did in the last month & give us the one that was working properly.
I believe they rolled it back. Mine started working midway through the zoom meeting and my teacher freaked out because of the 1080p xD.
I got a response from them saying that my problem has been traced to the synapse developers, and we have to wait for a future update.
Same here. Synapse keeps crashing too
Same thing here...

I say - most annoying!


I have the same problem. Scrolled a bit through the files and found a synapse logfile () which states:

2020-11-10 18:13:12.5962 INFO 1 Profile Get By Device Handle:

Name: Razer Kiyo

Product_ID: 3587 (0xE03)

Edition_ID: 0 (0x0)

Vendor_ID: 5426 (0x1532)

Layout: 0 (0x0)

Serial_Number: UNKNOWN


Handle: 159081587 (0x97B6473)

Type: 12


RegionId: 0

Feature Name: Profile

Feature Id: 3d1bd574-cce9-4268-ad3a-95a78dc2ff53

Profile Name: Default

Profile Id: 0ff42aac-26f5-43df-a8ab-1fe0ed31967a

2020-11-10 18:13:12.6192 INFO 1 Device Name: RAZER KIYO

Stack Trace:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070002): Error Refreshing Camera List

bei WebCamLib.CameraMethods.RefreshCameraList()

bei Touchless.Vision.Camera.CameraService.get_CameraMethods()

bei Touchless.Vision.Camera.CameraService.<BuildCameraList>d__8.MoveNext()

bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)

bei System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

bei Touchless.Vision.Camera.CameraService.get_AvailableCameras()

bei Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.LoadCamera()

bei Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.LoadControlsForSelectedTab()

bei Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.TabSelectionChanged()

bei Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.set_SelectedTabIndex(Int32 value)

bei Razer.BaileyT2.UI.MainControl.InitializePlugin()

bei Razer.BaileyT2.UI.RzBaileyT2UI.OnPluginStart()

bei Razer.Synapse3.Configurator.RzConfiguratorPluginManager.GetPlugIn(String plugin)

2020-11-10 18:13:12.6772 INFO 1 ChromaBroadcasterHubClient: Stopped

2020-11-10 18:13:13.0242 INFO 1 Send event category: Synapse, action: VisitDashboard, label: Camera

Comexception 0x80070002 is documented in the Windows API as follows:

  • 0x80070002: The system cannot find the file specified.

I got a response from them saying that my problem has been traced to the synapse developers, and we have to wait for a future update.

As you have a working installation, can you compare the installation folder of Razer Synapse?
Since I cannot edit my post here is the path to the logfile:

C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Local\\Razer\\Synapse3\\Log\\Razer Synapse 3.log
Since I cannot edit my post here is the path to the logfile:

C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Local\\Razer\\Synapse3\\Log\\Razer Synapse 3.log

I have a very large log file but I mainly have this part for the kiyo :

2020-11-10 19:17:33.2033 INFO 1 Device Name: RAZER KIYO

Stack Trace:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070002): Error Refreshing Camera List

à WebCamLib.CameraMethods.RefreshCameraList()

à Touchless.Vision.Camera.CameraService.get_CameraMethods()

à Touchless.Vision.Camera.CameraService.<BuildCameraList>d__8.MoveNext()

à System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)

à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToListsTSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

à Touchless.Vision.Camera.CameraService.get_AvailableCameras()

à Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.LoadCamera()

à Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.LoadControlsForSelectedTab()

à Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.TabSelectionChanged()

à Razer.Synapse3.BaileyT2ViewModel.BaileyT2ViewModel.set_SelectedTabIndex(Int32 value)

à Razer.BaileyT2.UI.MainControl.InitializePlugin()

à Razer.BaileyT2.UI.RzBaileyT2UI.OnPluginStart()

à Razer.Synapse3.Configurator.RzConfiguratorPluginManager.GetPlugIn(String plugin)

2020-11-10 19:17:33.2733 INFO 1 Send event category: Synapse, action: VisitDashboard, label: Camera

2020-11-10 19:17:33.3313 INFO 1 ChromaBroadcasterHubClient Connection_Closed: Disconnected, retrying to reconnect...

2020-11-10 19:17:33.3313 INFO 1 ChromaBroadcasterHubClient: Stopped