Razer Laptop 15 performence drop problems | Razer Insider
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I've owned a razer blade 15 for almost a year now. The specs are i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 16GB of ram, and RTX 3060. Lately, I have been getting extremely low fps on games, and it doesn't matter if I change the in-game settings to the lowest.

For Example, I used to get a consistent 100+ fps on Fortnite when I first purchased it, now I get incontinent 40fps with a lot of drops even in the lowest settings. I can't even play Vanguard anymore since I get 2fps while this number was a consistent 100 before.

The GPU overheats to 89C sometimes so I bought an external fan, which did not really help.

I've updated drivers and tried stuff like ultimate power plan settings but it doesn't change anything.

I've looked everywhere and cant find a solution. This laptop is fairly new and I don't want it to go to waste. What can I do? Someone, please help me out