Razer Nari Ultimate audio bug | Razer Insider
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Razer Nari Ultimate audio bug

I've had the nari since its release, and i realy do love it. the bass is so good, the sound is just amazing. but there is 1 issue i startet noticing, when i was listing to some music, making homework (yes we dont have summer vacation herre yet) i've noticed the audio lowring when there was a strong bass, and me loving songs with a lot of bass. it kinda annoys me. since i've only noticed this recently, is there any way to fix this? i have tried things like: Turning sound normilization on and off, messing with the equalizer, turning bass boost on/off (not the haptic feedback) and nothing seemed to help. do you guys have any idea how i can fix this? or is this a bug with the drivers? please let me know.

Razer is awsome,

Jeroeno out.
Hi there! Have you tried using your Nari Ultimate with other PCs to see if the same issue persists?
yea, same problem
Thanks for the reply. Please send over the serial number of your Nari Ultimate through PM. Let's continue there.