Razer phone recovery | Razer Insider
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I have Razer Phone that I bought years ago, in 2019 it got damaged slightly with water, the screen is not responsive. It was after warranty and support said that it does not cover that type of damage so I’ve tried to repair it in the shop but they couldn't get a replacement screen. I still have the phone and now more than ever I would like to get it repaired or at least have the gallery rescued from it. My closest friend since childhood has recently passed away and I know that on this phone are still pictures with him. I lost the backup drive 2 years ago, and I do not have many pictures with him otherwise, I know there is some pictures on that phone. Is there a way to recover anything from the gallery? There is a lot of pictures on the phone that have a massive sentimental value, but those one specifically. I tried about 20 repair shops in Poland in last 3 months since he passed away, but none of them would even try as they couldn't get the parts to replace the screen. The phone apparently work fine, it does charge and does have sound when plugged it, but there is passcode on it and I can’t do anything without a working screen. 


Is there anything I can do to recover the gallery? I do not care about the phone, I’ll pay any money to repair it/shipping cost/whatever, I just want the gallery recovered.

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