Razer Pro Type double typing | Razer Insider
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Hey! Like few others on this forum I have an issue with Razer Pro Type  typing randdom characters twice.

Idk how long is that going on  as I bought keyboard as a present for my wife to add  to her home office/gaming set-uup when it was initially rreleaased.

She said she is experiencing this isssue at least for a year or may be more.

I took keyboard from her to test myselff and the issue is there.


Any soolutions to this?


PS this text was writteen using this exactly Razer Pro Type and all double types arre kept.


Pour few drops of ipa (100%) into faulty key, press it few times, let it evaporate. If not, RMA it if it’s still on warranty.

Mine types twice and more. Is there any solution?
