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Basically what happened is that i turned on my pc and the Screen look a bit more bright, but the brightness is still the same, the color look more light, i already had this issue and i got support from another Razer Support, and i fixed the problem, i dont remind well what he told me to do but was about the driver monitor or the pc driver. Idk if this happened cause an update of my pc or what. But i already this same problem 3 times but i dont remind how i fixed.
Now i can see white line that before i didnt saw, color look more light and more ‘’fake’’, i tryed contact the support but they didnt helped me at all, i know this is a fixable problem cuz i already had and fixed but i dont remind what i did, was about to unistall the driver. I have an Alienware Aurorora whit a gtx 3080.



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