Razer RipSaw HD. No Active HDMI Singal | Razer Insider
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Dear, viewer

I have been having trouble with my ripsaw capture card. I have everything set up correctly I have a 3.0 ubs port on my computer and everything. The problem is that when I have everything set up and turn on it worked before.But now it saying No Active HDMI Singal in the input port.
Dear, viewer

I have been having trouble with my ripsaw capture card. I have everything set up correctly I have a 3.0 ubs port on my computer and everything. The problem is that when I have everything set up and turn on it worked before.But now it saying No Active HDMI Singal in the input port.

*Moved this post to our Support board.

Hey there! Thanks for posting your Razer Ripsaw's concern. Are you still experiencing the issue? If yes, please send me a PM together with a video showing the issue. Please save the file via Google Drive or Dropbox then paste the link. I'll pick it up from there.