Razer Seiren Elite doesn't work | Razer Insider
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ieri ho comprato un microfono razer seiren elite l’ho colegato al computer e si e installato automaticamente(windows10) ma ho disinstallato i driver per cambiare porta usb perché mi compariva dispositivo razer seiren elite -2, dopo averlo disinstallato e ricollegato non a piu funzionato. ho provato a collegarlo su un’altro pc e non funziona lo stesso, diceva dispositivo non riconosciuto. adesso quando lo collego non mi compare neanche che il dispositivo sia collegato


Yesterday I bought a microphone razer seiren elite I have connected to the computer and it is installed automatically (windows10) but I uninstalled the drivers to change usb port because I was running device razer seiren elite -2, after having uninstalled and reconnected no longer worked . I tried to connect it on another pc and it does not work the same, said device not recognized. now when I connect it I do not even see that the device is connected