Razer Sneki Snek wall light looks dimmer, blues don't stay bright | Razer Insider
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As of relatively recently my Sneki Snek wall light started looking dimmer. If I change it to the rainbow setting everything looks normal for about 3 seconds, then the blue colors fade out.

It's weird.

It dosen't seem like anything is broken, it's almost like it's stuck on some power saving or low brightness mode.

However, the user guide dosen't suggest that their is a way to change the brightness.

I've tried different USB wall adapters to see if maybe it wasn't getting adequate power, but my results are the same no matter what.

I was curious if anyone else has had this issue.

Ditto! Just happened slowly within the last two weeks. Now no blue. Contacting Razer support as it’s still under warranty. Any luck with your issue??

No unfortunately.

I can't find anything anywhere else about the problem.

It's really weird. If I change the color I can see the blues just fine, but only for a split second before it goes dimmer.

I just ran into this issue; I tried searching online and this topic is all I could find.


My wall light was working fine and all of a sudden on Wave mode it won’t display blue or purple, it just shows red to green, it's so weird, but when I change modes, it does show all colors and even on spectrum cycle when it's supposed to show blue or purple it just shows white.


I wonder if there is just a way to reset it or something.
