Razer Suck - If you're reading this you know what I mean... | Razer Insider
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I’m on my 3rd Razer Naga now. This time I went with the Naga Pro because I already had two Naga and Naga Trinity die on me. They always seem to die not too long after the warranty expires. Definitely planned obsolescence. My scroll wheel is bouncing and will not scroll any more. What’s worse they won’t even let you open a ticket about it now. Such a trash company. I wish someone would just make a quality product. 


2021 Naga Pro - scroll wheel broken

2018 Naga Trinity - double click problem

2015 Naga - double click problem

200% agree. After using Razer Nagas for over 10 years I’m so done with anything produced by razer. I’ve went through 6 mice in 10ish years. I treat them like my mother’s China too. Absolutely insane that plastic pieces break within the mouse to cause click issues. My last 3 had connection issues. 1 with the power cord of all things. 1 with the buttons on the side panel. The latest one the 4 button on the side panel messed up (looked to be an issue with the magnetic connector/pins on the swappable part). At this point save yourself 1000$ dollars over the years and just go with a different option. I tried my best to stick it out Razer, I really did but I’m at my limit.

your software is poor, I have not been able to get my keyboard to work.

never buying another razer product again, complete e-waste right out of the box.

