Razer Support on a 17 March 2022 Razer blade | Razer Insider
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I’m the Manager of Application Development for a Houston, TX based firm and have been purchasing Razer Laptops for my devs for over a year now. So far I’ve purchased 6 of them, all of which I’ve also purchased the extended warranty. 

Recently (mid March) we started experiencing issues with one we purchased on March 28th of 2022,  Our Unity Developer reached out to explain that Unity Crashes as soon as he tries to run the game.  We later realized that any GPU load on the system causes a crash. We did a factory reset and reinstall (fresh) of the OS and the problem is still was happening. No amount of driver updating has any affect.  By the time we gave up, the manufacturer warranty expired. so we called for extended warranty support.  They are claiming they can’t help us because the problem started before the warranty expired but when we try to get support through Razor’s website, it simply tells us that the Warranty expired. So now I have a totally useless laptop for which I cannot get any support.  Can someone help me understand my options? 



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