Razer Synapse 3 UI not opening | Razer Insider
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Razer Synapse 3 UI not opening

  • 2 June 2019
  • 1 reply

I noticed today that my Synapse 3 is not opening when I click the desktop icon or the system tray.

I tried the following:

Rebooted the PC

Verified no Windows updates impending

uninstalled Razer Cortex and Synapse 3 multiple times (removed the files remaining in the source directory

while uninstalled, I uninstalled the devices from the device manager, unplugged all of them for 10 min then re-plugged in. It immediately started to install Cortex and Synapse 3.

Still the Synapse 3 app does not open. Cortex does though.

Synapse 3 is in the task manager as running as is the service.
Have you tried disabling Firewall and Anti-virus software just to check if the same issue would persist?