Razer Thresher Ultimate for Xbox suddenly stopped working with Series X | Razer Insider
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I bought my headset way back when for my Xbox One X. The transition to the Series X wasn’t even bad, but my headset now all of the sudden keeps disconnecting. In the party it’ll say “could not find a microphone” etc.  Sometimes when it briefly pairs on the Xbox I’ll be able to talk and hear the party but I can’t hear in game sounds and the dials on the headset for party/game mixer and the volume dial won’t work either (can spin the dial in either direction without hearing the max/min beep).  I’ve tried updating my controller, switching USB ports, trying to sync the Xbox and the headset, nothing seems to work. The headset works fine with my laptop playing games/using discord. If anyone knows of any solutions or work arounds please help! 

did you ever find a solution? i just started to have the same problem with my headset. 

Compre hace mucho mis audifonos razer thresher ultimate para mi xbox one, después la cambie por el series s y todo bien, pero hace poco de un día a otro se empezaron a conectar y desconectar cada minuto o menos y se conectaban otra vez como en 20 segundos y así sucesivamente y es molesto.

Ya intente de todo, conectarlos a otra series s, intentar conectarlos sin su base y directamente al xbox pero nada funciona no se que le pasa
