Razer Tiamat 7.1 V1 | Razer Insider
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(this message is written in French, translated into English by google tradcution)

[fr]J'ai acheté un tiamat v1 il y a quelques années maintenant, hors je suis arrivé au point où il faut que je change les mousses, le cuir s'en va complètement et j'ai même une oreillette qui ne tient plus, ce qui est sensé la maintenir est "déchiré". Je voulais savoir s'il existe un endroit où il est vendu les "vraies" mousse il s'il faut obligatoirement acheter des chinoises qui ne sont pas du tout pareil à l'oreille.

Merci à vous.


I bought a tiamat v1 a few years ago now, except I got to the point where I have to change the foams, the leather completely goes away and I even have an earpiece that no longer holds, which is supposed to maintain it is "torn". I wanted to know if there is a place where it is sold the "real" foam if it is obligatory to buy Chinese which are not at all the same to the ear.

Thank you.
up ! svp 🙂
Hi, I bought my tiamat v1, 8 years ago, and happened exactly the same thing that you say, so I found a foam paralallel to buy, and this let my headset in new conditions