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I have the Wolverine Ultimate Xbox controller and use the Kraken headset. I've been playing with them for over two years now and one day after maybe 20 minutes of playing I get an insane high pitch ringing that won't stop until I unplug the headset. When I plug it back in its fine for a few minutes, but then itll start up again. Nothing ive tried seems to be able to fix the issue. I dont know whats causing the issue. When I switch back to my regular xbox one controller it works just fine. I tried to use razer support but after two years of use the serial number has rubbed off on the back so I cant fill out the first step in getting support. And there is no other way around that to even get to chat or email someone. Also you cant just buy a new cord for the controller on their parts website and you cant buy your own cord because the port for the cord was made with these grooves making it impossible to fit regular cords in the port.