Razerblade 15 2080RTX gpu constantly on 86C, disappointing performance | Razer Insider
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Hey Razer

I brought my laptop around half a year ago. It's a Razerblade 15 Advanced, the best one I could get. TBH it was getting extremely hot from the get-go, to the point I literally couldn't game with it until I got me an external keyboard. I even recalled it because of it, got another model, and it's the exact same thing.

Now I'm trying to run a 2019 game, COD Warzone. The moment I'm in the menus, the temps are already up to 84C on GPU. After a minute of gaming, it's 86C (I will mention though that it's stable, it just stays on 86C as long as it's on my huge, expensive cooling pad that I had to get so that my desk doesn't burn along with the laptop).

Now the thing is, I know that the 2080 Max-Q isn't a fully performing cooled 2080Ti card. But still. I am getting 70fps in some areas of Warzone on the LOWEST settings, with only render scaling on 100% -> 1080p. Not to mention sometimes the laptop goes into a stuttering episode that lasts around 30 seconds, which feels like it overheats maybe? I really don't know anymore. It doesn't seem like a high quality, stable gaming PC.

Seriously, this is supposed to be a gaming beast, it costs more than 3,000$. I constantly see advertised videos with Warzone running easily on 140-170 fps on Alienware laptops with practically the same hardware. What is going on? Why is my laptop underperforming this bad?

I do have all the latest GPU drivers installed, Razer Cortex updated, and I have been installing these whenever a new update came out since I got the laptop, so it really shouldn't be a driver issue.

Thanks in advance,

Also I will mention that I tried gaming (in Cortex) on all from Medium CPU + GPU to High + Boost. Performance still sucks compared to the numbers on the specs of the laptop.