Razerblade 15 Advanced chassis and mousepad overheat insanely? | Razer Insider
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Razerblade 15 Advanced chassis and mousepad overheat insanely?

I brought the new Razerblade 15 Advanced, Max specs.

Inside? The GPU / CPU are at 79C~, amazing! But the outside? The lower part of the laptop where the battery is and basically the arm rest? It got so hot today playing Overwatch (I feel the need to urge - This is a 2016 game. This PC should run it easily without a sweat) the chassis gets so hot I legit couldn't keep my hand on it to play! It gave me a burn!

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This is POST RECALL, this is the second one that I get, it was recalled for the same reason exactly. What is this, and what can be done?

There is no way that while designing and testing this laptop you haven't noticed the bottom part of the laptop is getting blazing hot and actually impossible to use (besides the fact I'm scared for the battery swelling, the temps are insane)

Thanks in advance,
