Razerphone 2 Phantom charging/not charging | Razer Insider
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I’ve long given up the use of the initial USB-c port and switched to wireless charging since 2019, haven’t had many issues besides that until recently in the last few months. The screen would light up by itself from time to time I took no real notice of that as I don’t have much sensitive information on my phone.

Unfortunately now the phone seems to be having several problems related to charging those being.


  1. I get an Android system notification that the phone has a charging device connected via USB. When no such thing is connected. This also does not change the battery icon with a lightning bolt or affect the battery whatsoever. I can remove this notification by simply restarting the phone but inevitably it always returns later in the day with no apparent reason.
  2. Recently within the last 3 weeks when I would attempt to turn my phone off for the night and place it on the wireless charger it would repeatedly flash the battery symbol and progress as if it were being removed and replaced onto the charger over and over ad infinitum. I would have success for a time fiddling with the angle and placement of the phone but no longer.  

The wireless charging pad shows contact when I place the phone on it but at times I get zero indication of any charge being transmitted, and other times the phone simply flashes on again and again as if it were being placed on charge and removed again and again. Would there be any potential fix for this or is my only option to do a factory reset and hope for the best?

If anyone ever reads this thanks for taking time out of your day I appreciate it.

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