RBP17 4k 120hz -- Can the GFX drivers update now? | Razer Insider
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Yo, I'm still using the drivers from like 11 months ago-- purely curious, can we finally update the GeForce drivers past August of 2020 or is the blank screen error still a thing?

I have very little desire to recover my laptop again.
UPDATE: To anyone curious, after a failed installation a couple days ago I recovered the system, updated the BIOS to 1.06 and updated the drivers with a Clean Installation option and it works. I have finally updated my driver to the most recent patch.
UPDATE 2: As soon as the laptop went to sleep mode, it went back to the blank screen.

It is incomprehensible to me that I spent 4000 dollars on a laptop and 12 months later I still cant update the graphics drivers. This is literally the worst experience ive ever had with mobile gaming.