RBS 8th Gen i7 + Core X + RTX 2080 Power Cycling Problem | Razer Insider
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Hello everyone. I have a 2018 razer blade stealth with an 8th gen i7 hooked up to a core x with an RTX 2080. when I initially ran the setup in early 2019 everything went smoothly until about april-may 2019 (went on to postgrad studies abroad and couldnt bring my setup but recently returned home and figured I'd give fixing it a shot again). since then I've been running into a problem where when I plug the core x into the laptop 1 of 3 things happens:

  • the fans and LEDs on the GPU start up and it works for about 10-20 mins before everything shuts off and the GPU keeps turning on and off sporadically. sometimes it does this by itself other times it seems to be related to me opening a program such as battle net.

  • the GPU starts up but isnt recognized and again keeps turning itself off and on.

  • nothing happens.

when I plug the eGPU into my dads MBP (2018 model I believe) if seems to be working fine (but tbf I havent tested any graphically intense applications, not sure if that matters). So far I've disabled the thunderbolt security settings in the blade stealth's bios and also gave it a factory reset but none of this has seemed to help.