Returns to Razer -- Can it get any worse? | Razer Insider
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Razer repair has been a complete scam.

So I have Power Port pin failure. I see on this message board that is common as seems to be a design flaw. I'm told I need to return computer to get it fixed. I send computer back and I'm then told I need to not only purchase the power port but I also have to replace the mother board and wipe out the hard drive (So $100 repair becomes $1,200 repair). I try to get in touch with Razer support to understand why this is necessary. After multiple days of repetitive attempts to contact Razer support, I just give up and pay the $1,200. Once I do this, I get the computer back fairly quickly. But--is the drama over? No. I cannot no longer play the games at FPS that I used. As I am trying to figure out why, I discover that Razer support stole by NVidia 2080 and swapped in a 2060 in instead.

At first I thought I was just being robbed, but it seems I was raped at well. Never again Razer.

Has anyone else had this experience with Razer support?


Upon further reflection, I believe the repair person charged for the new motherboard and took my working motherboard to resell. And likely swapped out the graphics card to do the same scam. There was never a problem with the motherboard. It's all part of the same scam.
The storage drive wipe is standard protocol. But I can't say for certain as to why our repair team decided to replace the entire motherboard. With that said, please send me your ticket numbers so I can review your previous interactions with our Support Team. Rest assured, I will do my best to get this sorted out.

*Thread locked to curb the conversation to PMs.