Scroll wheel on Naga Trinity | Razer Insider
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I have an issue with a recently purchased Naga Trinity mouse. I’ve owned a trinity for roughly 6 years and over time it the buttons started to misbehave. Not by much but I thought it was time to buy a new one as it was looking a well used.

When the new one arrived all was well for about a week or two. Then the scroll wheel started to stiffen up to the point where it was hard work to scroll at all. Not comfortable for the finger and certainly not something  I could put up with. So as it was only a few weeks old I returned it as faulty and bought a third one.

Again after about a week or two this mouse also started to be difficult to scroll. Baffling as my 6  year old one still scrolls perfectly.

If I return this one also how could I be sure that the fourth wont also have the same issue. I’ve seen various people discuss this issue as affecting the Trinity but for it to happen while it’s less than a month old seems odd.

Any suggestions welcome.

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