Seiren Elite and the Bravo HD FW Update problem | Razer Insider
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Hello y’all!


Alright so I've been having the infamous issue with the Seiren Elite microphone - I plug it on my computer and it shows up as a device called “Bravo HD FW Update”.


It's a recurring problem with this microphone and several people have opened threads here in this very same forum enquiring about this problem - latest one being from 10 days ago - and so far we have not found any answers to this issue.


My case is the classic case - I plug the device on my machine and it pops up as this Unknown Device on my machine, before it's recognized as the “Bravo HD FW Update”. Lights don't turn green on the microphone, and nothing works. I'm tech savy, I've tried all the things you can imagine outside of dissassembling the device itself, and nothing worked. 


Now, this is a personal challenge of mine to the Razer support team - it's been years that I've had this microphone and I had vowed to never, ever, buy another Razer product until this issue is fixed. Let's fix this.


This is a very fancy and expensive piece of hardware that deserves to be well liked by it's consumers, so let's get the solution out there to the public so they can solve their own problems in the future and untarnish the reputation of this product. 


As for things like Warrantry and whatnot - listen, this thing broke down about a month after my warrantry expired like a year or two ago. I have the serial code registered on my account yadda yadda, that's not the point here - I already bought a replacement mic a year ago. The thing is  that it's a bloody crime that a 200USD microphone worked for so little time before it went bad. This isn't about me getting my microphone back in order, this is about everyone getting their mics back in order, and having the solution here for posterity. 


So let's do something cool together here, Razer Support.


I'm counting on you guys.


Hey I also have the same problem with the part.
Have you already found a solution?
It can't be that razer is so incompetent.

Hey I also have the same problem with the part.
Have you already found a solution?
It can't be that razer is so incompetent.


I solved it by throwing it on the recycling bin. It's dead as disco and the manufacturer won't offer any support for it anymore. 
