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some help here?

i just recently purchase a razer mouse for my pc, i have an ibuypower with an asrock b365m motherboard with t-force delta rgb ram at 2666mhz and was hoping someone could help me with the issues im encountering.

the first issue is with the ram, every time i open the asrock polychrome program the ram doesn't want to show up, the ram works fine and shows the full 16gbs, but it acts like it has no rgb even though it does. i have uninstalled and reinstalled with restarts multiple times but i dont seem to get anywhere new.

the second issue isn't as important but i really wanna know if ill have to get new fans to fix it, every time i try to sync my fans to razer synapse it wont do the wave setting, i really love that look and wish i could get it to work but im not sure if its a problem with asrock or just a limitation for the ibuypower fans. i already order a razer keyboard and rgb mat so i really wanna make sure everything works before i receive it.

any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for anyone who take the time to read and reply to this thread.
As much as I'd like to help you out, you'll have to reach out to Asrock's support team regarding the RAM detection issue. If a reinstallation of Polychrome doesn't help, there's not much that we can do from our end. As for your inquiry about the fan, I am not too sure yet, but are you able to achieve the effect smoothly using Polychrome?
the ram and fans will sync with polychrome but any effects i try to do always seem to flick between each color instead of slowly changing from one color to another like my razer mouse and rgb mat. it seems like its just an issue with the polychrome softwere but the problem is i cant seem to find a stable release that works that doesn't give me an error or the ram wont sync. so far version 1.0.70 is the only one that doesn't give me an error and will let me sync my ram and fans but any effects i try to do will just lead to it not working correctly. im still waiting to hear from asrock about a version that might work.
Sorry bud, but the issues appear to be with Polychrome itself, so there's not much that I can do from my end.