Stall in order progression and shipping. | Razer Insider
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I ordered a Razer laptop that says it is in stock 5 business days ago. On the first day things moved quickly and I was excited and surprised because I have heard Razer takes their time processing and updating order statuses. However now 4 business days later nothing has changed and the order has not shipped yet. So I expect covid19 has impacted an already slow supply chain making it even slower. I understand this time is very unusual and unprecedented but many other companies do not seem to have as much trouble shipping nearly 9 months later. And when you spend upwards of 2k on a laptop I just believe the whole process should be a little more user friendly. I am writing this just so that others when they search for razer understand what they are getting into. Yes the package might ship in 7 days but the package may not ship for 5 or more business days on top of that. So expect 2 weeks to go by before you see your machine. I really hope this is just a covid19 thing and will update this when I do receive my laptop just to give a full picture on shipping times.
This should give some context to the delays. With that said, please send me your order number so I can see what's happening behind the scenes.

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