Still no support after more than a year | Razer Insider
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Hello everyone,

About a week or so after I first received my razer phone 2 I had to send it back and get a replacement because the flashlight function was not properly working, the only solution was to go to camera then swipe over to video and then turn on the flash there to get it working for a little bit. Short story this is still happening on the latest razer phone 2 that I have. Now back to the story after I sent my phone in which had a glass backing which I liked due to apples aesthetic look at the time I would expect to the same phone back, however and despite what the white box said that the phone I got had a glass backing it didn't which puzzled support at the time. Now for another rabbit hole. I was and still am working at a job that requires me to have a phone 24/7/365. Despite this razer support said the only way for me to get the phone replaced was of 2 ways put a charge on my card for the phone to be sent to me, wait until it arrived and then send my flash problem phone back to razer to receive a refund for the hold on my card. I wasn't to happy about that especially because the other option required me to be without a phone for a couple of days to weeks for sending my phone in for replacement/repair. After receiving the incorrect phone I was a little mad, but even more mad when they wouldn't send a replacement without charging me. I was hopping to receive a new phone and then the replacement which also suffered the same flash problem would be sent back to them. This is when I became mad. Side note at the same time I had sent in my razer blade 15 2018 in to get the battery replaced around the same time. Once the laptop came back it didn't have the wall socked to power adapter with it which made me even more mad. But razer had kindly sent me a replacement which once I opened the package discovered it was the wrong cord. After which I had contacted support again and nothing was done about it. I'm still using the same razer blade and incorrectly replaced phone to this day. I'm hoping with the time that has passed that razer has fixed some of its problems and is willing to help as I still want the glass backed phone and my power cord back. Thanks for your time. PS I became upset even writing this, if there are spelling mistakes (which there will be) I apologies but I do not want to go back and fix then.