Suggestion for Razer: Improve Kiyo autoexposure algorithm | Razer Insider
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I've been using the Kiyo for videoconferencing and I find that the autoexposure functions very poorly. There is a window behind me and as a result, during the daytime, my face is constantly underexposed unless I manually adjust exposure. Morevoer, as the light level changes throughout the day, I'm forced to readjust manual exposure multiple times to compensate.

I believe this could be easily corrected with an option to use spot metering on the center of the frame (where my face is) or a more strongly center-weighted metering algorithm, instead of averaging the entire frame as the algorithm seems to be doing currently. And an even better (but more complicated) option would be to use the area where a face is detected for autofocus to auto adjust exposure as well.

This functionality would make the Kiyo line much more flexible for uses other than streaming under stable lighting conditions.
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