Surround sound bug | Razer Insider
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Salut tous les monde, j'ai un problème avec le surround sound qui est le suivant ; mon compte fonctionne sur razer synapse, razer cortex mais pas sur l'application surround sound, ce qui m'embête personnellement car j'aimerai beaucoup avoir ce son quand je joue aux jeux vidéos 😕 Merci - Narutsu

Google Traduction :

Hi everyone, I have a problem with the surround sound which is the following; my account works on razer synapse, razer cortex but not on the surround sound application, which bothers me personally because I would really like to have this sound when I play video games: / Thanks - Narutsu
Please PM me the serial number of your headset, along with the email address associated with your Razer ID. I can use them to verify the model of your headset and check if it supports Surround Sound. Let's go there.

*Thread locked to curb the conversation to PMs.