Synapse 3 issues...............still | Razer Insider
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So, I have written on the forums, and support, and chat service months ago in reference to Synapse 3 not functioning properly. That was 3+ months ago. Yet, it has gotten worse, not better. Upon booting up my PC, Synapse 2 loads into the system tray within seconds of hitting the windows screen, and under a minute of windows screen, my Orbweaver properly syncs to its proper settings and light config. Synapse 3 however takes as long as 5 minutes to load into the system tray, and then nothing. For 10, 20, even 30 minutes. I am forced to right click the synapse 3 icon in the system tray and select log in from that menu. It then takes 2-5 minutes for the log in screen to appear. Once I log into synapse 3, it sometimes will pop the log in screen up to 5-10 times even after showing me my account info verifying I logged in successfully!? After logging in a bagillion times, it will finally stay logged in. I then must double click the synapse 3 icon in the system tray to get it to load. After another 3-5 minutes of waiting, my Blackwidow Elite, and Naga Trinity FINALLY switch to the proper settings and light configs. BUT, then I must wait up to another 5-10 mins for Synapse 3 to actually SHOW it recognized the 2 components before it will allow me to exit. Why? Why do I still have to do ALL this to get these products to work properly? Is there ANYONE there that can PLEASE answer that? All I can say without being "banned" from forums AGAIN, is this is not acceptable. These issue make Razer products look bad, and the company even worse. I DO NOT like complaining, but with over $400 in Razer gear, I would HOPE you guys can fix this before I just trash it all and go with Corsair. I really do not want to waste all I have spent on these products, which I LOVE when the work properly. But, After all I have been through, I am not holding my breath any more.