Synapse 3 Ongoing Bug with Razer Blades - Root Cause Potentially Found | Razer Insider
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Hello! I've owned two Razer Blades (absolutely love them, second one was an upgrade :smile_:), but have had an issue with Synapse that has plagued me across both devices that wouldn't seem to resolve itself with numerous complete and clean reinstalls of Synapse, following the directions from Razer Support HERE.

The issue in question relates to the custom-set primary function of the FN keys, namely my preset to use them as media keys for primary use. I've noticed that on what I thought were random occasions, the secondary function (in my case, the FN function) would not work when the FN keys were pressed - the device would instead still input the media keys.

Recently, I've discovered that this issue is only present when restarting the device, not at random! I imagine this means that code in Synapse relating to the media/FN keys with custom profiles incorrectly loads upon a startup ONLY if the computer is scripted to restart via Windows. I've confirmed that the issue is NOT present if I turn off the device, then turn it back on manually.

I'm no code expert, but I feel like this connection is certainly one to look out for, especially considering the newer Blades require the device to be restarted if I want to run integrated/dedicated graphics, which I toggle on a regular basis I try to manage my battery life on the go.

The current workaround is, upon RESTART, I open Synapse and toggle the FN/Media primary selector back and forth, and this fixes the issue - however, I'd rather not have to be forced to manually do this toggle whenever I restart the device.

I'm hoping to see Razer address this issue in a future update! If any of the Razer support folks need more info, please let me know what I can do to provide - I've already submitted a feedback/bug request through Synapse.
