Tartarus Pro Alt Key stays pressed in too long to use | Razer Insider
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Hi, I have the white Tartarus Pro RZ07-0311 which is less than 2 months old. I have used the same model in black prior to this one for over a year. I traded that one to my friend for this brand new white one. I requested he buy the white one when he went to buy one for himself and trade me, since I wasn’t able to get the white at the time and it matches my setup better.


The black one has not had any issues with the Alt Key, however, the white one’s Alt Key started to physically stick or stay pressed in briefly about a week ago. It has become progressively worse to the point where when pressed in and released, it will stay pressed in for 3-5 seconds. This sounds like a short period of time, however, it has effected my gameplay during WoW, as the ability bars can be stuck on the alt bars long enough to cause misclicks and frustration. For the time being, I’ve switched to using the scroll wheel pressed in but have lost the functionality of a set of bars as they are too unpredictable to rely on. 


Is there a way to clean the button? Should I be bringing it in somewhere for maintenance? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. I searched the forums for the issue but am bombarded by posts about the buttons being “stuck” digitally and this is a physical button issue. Thank you for your time and assistance.

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