Tartarus V2 scroll wheel registers as mouse wheel even when disabled | Razer Insider
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I am having an issue with the scroll wheel.  The game I am playing, I have the scroll wheel setup for my throttle input. When using it quickly, it will register as a mouse wheel which is bound to Zoom.   

I disabled the all the scroll wheel bindings, and the problem persists.   I spoke to someone else who plays the same game and also uses a Tartarus V2 and does not have these issues.  


I have a similar issue, and have since I bought my Tartarus v2 a year and a half ago.
I had an Orbweaver and when they discontinued that I got stuck using a Tartarus v2 with this god awful scroll wheel.

I bound the scroll wheel to “v” up,down,click - all of it is bound to “v”

Ill be spamming this wheel up and down with the pure intention of pushing “v” since that's what its bound to.

Well, while spamming this wheel which should be “v” - it will work and do “v” but it will also scroll wheel up and down

Not sure if its software and synapse is causing it, or hardware - but I've never been able to get it to NOT do that.
I will say if I hold shift and spam what should be “v” the scroll wheel bug doesn't happen. Which makes me think its synapse not keeping up and using the default keybind for the wheel.



Same here.


My Tartarus V2 scroll whell just started malfunctioning and I simple can’t disable it to keep using the pad whithout the button. I disabled all the commands binded to the scroll, but it keeps working as scroll up and down.


This is so annoying.
