the letter "u" doesn't seem to work on my keyboard | Razer Insider

the letter "u" doesn't seem to work on my keyboard

  • 13 August 2023
  • 2 replies

I got the keyboard a couple of days and also had built a PC, after like 2-3 days of using the keyboard and realized that the letter “u” isn't working, at first I thought it was because I had a game opened p and well maybe it would have done something to make it so that you couldn’t type on it with a browser while running a game but it seems to not be the issue and had to result in using ctrl+V to use the letter “u”. not sure if its something wrong with the keyboard or maybe something else I just want the letter “u” to work again 

2 Replies

I just found out that if you enabled gaming mode, the letter U lightning will be stuck to 1 color. Disabling it will light it up back. Don’t know why but thats the fix.

so, i know your problem, you have to set all key binds to normal in your razer synapse app 
