The New Update won't open | Razer Insider
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The New Update won't open

  • 10 April 2019
  • 1 reply

I Currently updated my razer cortex.. because why not? So i downloaded it and the update restarted my pc. I booted razer cortex up and an message came up saying razer cortex failed to start plz re-try.. so i did restart it and an endless cycle of a loading screen saying "Logging you in...". Is there a way to fix this because without it my potato will freeze every time i try to multi-task. So is there a way to fix this issue?
Are you still having the same issue with your Razer Cortex right now, @PrimetimeJr? If so, allow me to sort it out. Send me a PM together with a screenshot of the app. Make sure to add the link of this thread. Let's continue from there.