Thresher ultimate XB1 audio Problems | Razer Insider
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Hello Everyone.

I have two major problems with these headset:

1- when i'm playing solo without a chat group. the game audio drop down untill i can't ear nothing, thing comes back to normal if I restart the base station.

2 - everytime I power up the base station the sound coming from the console is clipping and not clear. To resolve the issue I must restart the console, base station and the headset. Sometimes the problem will not solve anyway

I use an Xbox one X console. Just tried multiple times clearing the console cashe by holding down the power button for 15 sec.

Anyone can Help?

Thanks in advance
This sounds like a connection issue. How far are you from the base station and is it near anything that can potentially interfere with the signal like a router?
I'm about 2 meters far. The base station is near the xbox one x and the router is on another shelf about 1 meter away.

For further troubleshooting. The sound return crisp and clear if I shut down the base station and unplug the usb that connect it to the console. When the sound come clear, the volume won't drop anymore. It sound like a power issue. I would try to switch the usb cable and the usb port on the console.
I'm about 2 meters far. The base station is near the xbox one x and the router is on another shelf about 1 meter away.

For further troubleshooting. The sound return crisp and clear if I shut down the base station and unplug the usb that connect it to the console. When the sound come clear, the volume won't drop anymore. It sound like a power issue. I would try to switch the usb cable and the usb port on the console.

Thanks for the update and let me know how that pans out via PM. I look forward to hearing back from you.