THX and Kraken v3 pro/Leviathan source swap | Razer Insider
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I am having a really bizarre issue. I have both the Razer Leviathan V2 X and the Kraken V3 pro. When I configure the source swap button on the Leviathan to change to THX Audio, no sound comes out of my headset. When I change the source swap to select my headset it works, but then the headset page gives me an error that THX Spatial audio is not selected at my output device. Pictured here;




Is it not supported to use Leviathan and Kraken together with this source swap function? Am I losing the THX Spatial audio by using it this way? Am I doing something wrong? 

And to top it all off, if I select THX Spatial Audio as my default device, sound does not come out of either device, even though the windows sound devices properties shows the mixer action, there is output going...somewhere? But not to any audio device I have. Not to my Leviathan, not to my kraken, not to my built in audio through HDMI to my monitor. To the void. 


I tried everything I can think of in this software and am getting nowhere. 

When I select THX Spatial as the output, as seen in the photo, the mixer shows full volume going to it from my music. I even have the Leviathan set as my backup thx audio device for when my headset is not detected. And there is still no sound coming out of either my headset or the Leviathan. It is as if it believes it is connected to my headset and sending audio to it...but the headset only plays audio when it is selected directly. Not through the THX Spatial device. 
