time to revisit the 6 m/o issue with profiles | Razer Insider
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time to revisit the 6 m/o issue with profiles

so there was a time, maaaany iterations of synapse 3 ago, where the gamescanner found all my games, linked all my games, and switched profiles including the notifications it was doing so.

first the notifications went away, but it was still switching profiles.

now - it wont find any games (except 1....)

ive entirely purged razer (uninstall, registry, programdata) and reinstalled a half dozen times over.

fwiw it picks up overwatch. Thats it. I thought hey, perhaps its because overwatch is installed on my c drive (ssd) whereas everything else is on larger seperate drive (even though it should allow you to manually select which drives to scan). Then i remembered, nope. So is Ffxiv. So is wow. No longer picks those up.

if i browse to it a game manually via browse button and double click the exe - it just does nothing. If its something that shows up in the initial "dont see your game" list without manually browsing, it will link. (ironically said list shows a bunch of software and obscure shit like 7zip, but no games on the same drive....)

anybody got anything for me? customer service of course blames me and my pc. My 3500 dollar rig, and my incompetent ass with 20 years of computing experience.

windows is fully updated. virus free. run chkdsk and sfc and dism regular enough just to be safe. Drivers all up to date. Havent blue screened in about ever.

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  • Insider
  • February 25, 2019
worth noting - if i do link the single game it finds, to a profile (overwatch) it will change and display notification properly.

now im no developer - but seems to me this points to a problem with the gamescanner service and how/what/where its scanning, or otherwise.

id even venture its not built to handle multiple hard drives which would be an oversight id be glad to have beta tested my frustrations out so that others dont have to.

this of course is operating under the assumption someone actually addresses this.

  • Insider
  • February 27, 2019
good talk razer support.

I did find something presumably helpful. It seems that the only games that show up and are add'able are games that have an icon in programs and features. Anything that doesnt have an iconin the uninstall a program list (that uses the default) is not found nor is add'able by browsing to the exe.

Might want to pass it on to the uber development team that they need to adjust how it finds and adds games. Until then, i guess im fubar as no workaround i know of exists anyhow. Still pretty strong evidence for at least part of the issue.

to add, the games that dont have cover art showing when "dont see your game" and try to add it manually - wont link.

So something related to cover art and the games icon art being found is tied to the inability for games to be automatically scanned, much less linked.

Something beyond most apart from the synapse support and devs whom seem to be uninterested in helping as ive been on this in multiple day spurts for close to a year now.

so after a metric ton of posting on other forums, where members are substantially more helpful than razer support has been; its been suggested i attach process monitor to synapse and see what directories its calling.

its a start. will post back with what i find.

So i got process monitor filter set up. Managed to capture what was happening before i initiated a scan for games - and what changed as I did - then stopped and it reverted to the former.

So the transition is obvious, but the data is a bit for me to chew on. Any chance that support will show up and be able to decipher it?

Not sure which portion of it is relevant and what is supporting stuff so to speak. It writes some logs, reads some windows/assembly/nativeimages stuff opens and closes some reg keys it looks like. In the past support asked for logs but that was that. Never had accompanying processmonitor data.

The scope of the issue is why its taken me literally months and months to get this far. Exhausting every option in my toolkit so to speak.

The point will come that ill have to live with it, or get lucky. Evidently its not gonna solve itself as ive been through several windows version updates, a hundred driver updates, and a dozen iterations of synapse since it presented ;p

Its the single, only thing wrong with my pc and it makes my OCD go ham lol.

so after having two people outside of razer look at the processmon logs. Looks like synapse has little to do with it.

(yea im talking to myself in the hopes that razer will step-up i guess)

that or someone with a lot more internal windows knowledge will hop in.

Anyhow, gonna turn my attention to the gamesmanager.exe service and assume that is what does the actual parsing/scanning of stuff. Attach to that next.

When i find time to waste anyhow >.<

will report back.

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