Two Razer Naga Pros RZ01-0342 Faulty | Razer Insider
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The title says it all.I had a Razer naga pro wireless for a year or so. After a while, the buttons stopped registering the keys. I use the 12 panel to play World of Warcraft. It won’t register key presses many times. Sometimes it’s specific buttons. “5” seems to be the one that’s most repeating but it can vary.
So due to this, I said F it, I love this mouse I’m just gonna buy another one. I bought the other one. I have the exact same problem. I have tried every single fix possible. I have tried them both across multiple devices.

Can someone please help me? This is beyond frustrating. I literally can’t play my video game lol. I can’t believe it’s TWO with the same problem.

Should I just accept I got TWO duds?




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