Viper Ultimate - Local settings control without Synapse? | Razer Insider
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Forgive me if this has already been covered, I did some cursory searching but don't think I've found a conclusive answer.

I've just replaced a wired Death Adder with a Viper Ultimate and am having trouble with Synapse 3.

I share my peripherals between my personal gaming/workstation rig and a corporate work laptop. On the corp device, security policies prevent the installation of Synapse due to the need for a connection to the "cloud".

As a result, I run into a situation where the settings I apply from my personal machine running Synapse don't carry to the work laptop. I am able to adjust sensitivity with the button but haven't figured out if it's possible to store settings such as lighting on the VU or control it locally (without a connection to Razer's cloud).

The Death Adder worked fine this way and everything carried over locally...I guess settings were stored on the DA itself.

Any suggestions or advice? Or do I just need to live with it?
