Viper V3 Hyperspeed USB Signal Weak | Razer Insider
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Hello,  i have noticed that the wireless connection to the usb device is spotty at times.  The Computer is directlry behind my chair on top of a desk.   There are times that the cursor just sits there and does nothing waiting for connection.  And it seems if i lean back in my chair to open up the direct line of site then it connects again.


I cant move the computer i have no place else it will go.  Is there a way to boost power to your usb dongle. 


 I on the computer most of the day and this really effects my performance.    I also thought maybe something else might be interrferring with the signal.  Maybe the printer or the router, i turned them off and same issue.  


Can i change frequencies for your device?

Is there a booster for the dongle

What can be done?

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