What id the difference between RZ01-00840100-R3G1 vs RZ01-00840100-R3U1? | Razer Insider
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I try to figure out the difference between product no. RZ01-00840100-R3G1 vs RZ01-00840100-R3U1.

Is there two different versions of the DeathAdder  2013? Is there an Essential and a separate Expert version or are they the same.. ? How can I verify that through official channel?  I have spent several weeks on it with no official result. 

None. Different region, may be slightly different packaging.

Also be aware, that mouses are no longer produced since years, so it may be a counterfeit.

@FiszPL Thank you for fast answer! Is there any old official product sheet or similar which confirms this?

How can I verify if an ‘unused’ mouse is an old one original or a counterfeit?

You can try to register you mouse with razer I'd account to confirm if it's original or not. But I'd just avoid any cheap 2013 / chroma / elite / essential DeathAdders.

OK, thank  you! Even a counterfeit could have a valid SN, I think. I have received one DA 2013 from amazon.com, it was not cheap, looks and feels as original 2013 model. But, it was sell as Expert, but the name ‘Expert’ was on an label only. On the box the Essential was green marked, like on this picture below. So I wonder if there was even boxes where the Expert or Elite was green marked at 2013 or all was the same, just Essential green marked.

