You lost my business but alas you guys don't respond anyway so weeeee | Razer Insider
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Do a google search for "repeating key synapse bug". It's infuriating. I just smashed my mouse into pieces and I'm selling the tatarus on ebay. I will never EVER put your pos software on my machine again. I can't understand how this Synapse BS even ships. I haven't broken a device in anger since childhood... I can't take your software losing me game after game anymore. I'M DONE and I'm gonna vent.

Synapse Bloatware (cool HUE features guys... definitely worth spending time on that)

  • Every day it asks me to login.

  • Once a week it forgets the on-board profiles or simply swaps them in confusion. Fix? reboot your shitty software of course.

  • At least a few games per night I am plagued by a bug that loses me games. I do a little research and it's clear you guys are denying the bug in your support replies and just RMAing stuff back and hoping that works. It doesn't. I don't want more gear that doesn't have decent software that works. I WANT TO GAME... not PLAY GAMES with this company.

  • I tried right now to get support through the support pages. Nope, no way to contact support if you select "synapse software" apparently. Sick customer service guys, loving it. Really get all the feels of a Verizon or ATT with you guys.

  • Everyone asks me what to buy when gaming. EVERYONE I know comes to me. Sure it won't hurt your stock but I will never recommend you guys again. In the last year I bought 1 set of headphones, 2 naga mice, 2 tatarus for my brother and I both. My son needs a new rig and it's not coming from this company. It just can't.

    Your software team should be ashamed. The hardware has been fantastic but it's clearly unusable and not supported. Sorry guys, the hardware dudes get it at least.

I understand how frustrating it is when things don't work as intended. But in my experience, key spamming is typically switch related, be it for keyboards or mice. I very rarely get reports of similar issues with Synapse being the culprit. With that said, do send me a short clip detailing your experience. I'll do my best to help you out.

*Thread locked to curb the conversation to PMs.