Done with Razer, Blade 2016 has had fan issues since the laptop came out | Razer Insider
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My Razer Blade 2016 (970m) has had its fans stuck on max since 2016. I used to be able to remedy this issue by closing Razer Synapse 2.0, which seemed to be causing the issue, but now no matter what I do I cannot get the fans to go below their maximum speed. This is not an unknown issue, I have been on several forums with people bringing this up to Razer, and Razer has refused to fix this 5 years later. At this point I see this as nothing more than negligence to their customers, and I will never be buying another Razer product again. Their support refuses to help me since my device is out of warranty, and they refuse to do anything about this glaring bug. I cannot use this laptop in class, my main purpose for getting it, so why do I even have it? I would rather game on an Mac than this thing, because then at the very least I'll be able to watch youtube without sounding like I am in a jet engine testing facility. Razer... FIX YOUR BUGS