Longevity of Razer Blades | Razer Insider
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So as the Christmas season winds to a close and the promotions are almost over, I wanted to get people's opinions of Razer. I'm looking at long term opinions.

I'm hoping to 4+ years out of the laptop, would that be a realistic expectation?
Depends what you do with it. Ive owned 3 Razer Blades and I upgrade every 1.5-2years. But thats only because I want a certain improvement over the previous model.

e.g went from the Blade stealth + core setup to the Blade 14 with 1060 gpu as thats when the laptop gpus first started being comparable to desktop gpu’s.

That Blade 14 lasted till they came out with the 144hz screens and I upgraded to the Blade 15 last year and still using it with no issues and I can see myself using it for another 1-2 years easily unless there is some new tech that I really must have.

But back to your question even if I was still on my Blade 14 which was bought in early 2017, I dont think id have any issues performance wise. The gpu is actually better cos its not the max q version and the cpu was a 7700hq which compared to my current 8750H i dont really notice that much of a difference.

So unless you are the kind who absolutely want the latest tech that is up for offer the Blades can last quite a while. The RTX cards would be an improvement over my 1060 but im happy staying with the 1060 for now as I dont play AAA titles that often to justify the upgrade and I dont use my laptop screen enough to justify the 240hz screen upgrade. I use it with my external 34” ultrawide monitor 98% of the time
There's a one year warranty. After that, I think that all bets are off.

I had amazing luck with my Blade 14 w/ GTX 1060. I had it for two years, spilled beer all over it in VR, cleaned off the motherboard and it continued to run like a champ until I sold it. When I switched to the 13" Stealth, it was a brand new chassis with tons of issues, and in only a year of ownership I've had to go through two duds before getting one that really doesn't seem to have an issue.
There's a one year warranty. After that, I think that all bets are off.

That's my concern, I'll be looking to hold on to it for about 4 years.
Schwer zu sagen. Hab mein Stealth 13 vor ca 7 Monaten geholt. Bisher bin ich zufrieden wobei die jetzigen ne gute Grafikkarte bekommen haben. Da bin ich schon sehr von angetan. Aber ich hab auch noch ein Gaming Desktop PC und spiele meist eh auf der PS4 mit Tastatur und Maus. Daher werde ich in 1-3 Jahren vermutlich wechseln. Aber ob ich wieder 13" nehme oder doch wieder 15" weiß ich noch nicht.

Ansonsten sind die Blades gut aufgebaut. Das Gehäuse ist mega, leider ist bei mir der RAM verlötet, das könnte mal Problem geben, wenn der mal kaputt gehen sollte. Die M.2 SSD hab ich bereits durch eine 1 TB M2 ausgetauscht.

Das Display ist super. Hier auch die Verarbeitung an den Scharnieren. Ich denke, das sollte über die Zeit keine Probleme geben.

Auch die Tastatur ist recht solide und sollte nicht so schnell Verschleiß Erscheinungen aufweisen.

Hoffe hier in Deutschland immer noch drauf, das wer Ersatzteile für die Geräte anbietet. Auch würde ich mir wünschen, das die Grafikkarte austauschbar ist. Habe das auf Kickstarter was gesehen, jedoch scheint das noch Zukunftsmusik zu sein.

Alles in allem sollten die Blades aber lange halten. Maus, Tastatur und Headset habe ich schon seit über 12 Jahren nur von Razer und alles funktioniert immer noch.

Einziges Manko ist auch hier der Akku. Ich denke, der ist nach 2 jahren platt. Vielleicht hat wer einen Link, wo es den Akku gibt, der ist zwar verklebt aber leicht zu entfernen.

Hoffe ich konnte dir da etwas helfen.

Hard to say. Got my stealth 13 about 7 months ago. So far I am satisfied with the current ne good graphics card. I'm very excited about that. But I also have a gaming desktop PC and usually play on the PS4 with keyboard and mouse. So I'll probably change in 1-3 years. But whether I'll take 13" again or 15" again I don't know yet.

Otherwise, the blades are well built. The housing is mega, unfortunately the RAM is soldered with me, that could be a problem if it should break. I have already replaced the M.2 SSD with a 1 TB M2.

The display is great. Here also the processing on the hinges. I do not think that should cause any problems over time.

Also the keyboard is quite solid and should not show wear as quickly.

Hope here in Germany still hope that who offers spare parts for the devices. I would also like the graphics card to be interchangeable. Have seen that on Kickstarter, but it still seems to be future music.

All in all, however, the blades should last a long time. I've only had Razer for over 12 years and everything is still working.

The only shortcoming here, too, is the battery. I think it's flat after 2 years. Maybe if you have a link where the battery is available, it is glued but easy to remove.

Hope I could help you a little bit.
So as the Christmas season winds to a close and the promotions are almost over, I wanted to get people's opinions of Razer. I'm looking at long term opinions.

I'm hoping to 4+ years out of the laptop, would that be a realistic expectation?

Depends on how you use it, everyday game without good monitoring, I doubt. Even with a good monitoring nowadays systems may have higher failure rate than before, this’s apparently because market demands all thin light, cassis bezel, ac adapter etc and Intel nvidia etc try making more powerful chips, so manufacturers have to put those techs on product that market asked. Beside unlike before technology moves so fast since 2015 I upgraded my system (laptop) at longest 2 years due performance upgrade needs (or maybe only wanted latest hardware), in 2018 it was even only 14 months because design renew Blade is tempted me. So with this 15 advanced I’m only around a bit over 1,5 years, so far is great and I tried to keep it as long as I can:rolleyes: like my almost 6 years old Razer Edge tablet (idk if there was second gen maybe I might already:big_grin_:)